$BabyBome Fundamental

by Rumina on 30 Maret 2024

$BabyBome Fundamental

$BabyBome Fundamental

About Baby Bome

Baby Bome is the bible of Memes on BSC. It is the one true record holding the past, present and future of the meme culture. The documentary of every baby meme that ever existed will find its way to this holy book of memes on BSC and live on-chain forever!

Audit Baby Bome

Baby Bome Partners

Baby Bome Partners


$BabyBome is the currency of his based baby meme book and all the meme devout who live & laugh by it.

Token Distribution

  • Presale + Liquidity: 95%
  • Cex Listing: 5%

About Token

  • Token Name: Book Of Baby Memes
  • Token Symbol: BabyBome
  • Total Supply: 420,000,000,000,000,000
  • Token Address: 0xD5d21b98903257ee56c3406EF72a60981bA81703


  • Liquidity: 1%
  • Marketing: 2%
  • Dev: 2%


Baby Bome is a view of the past to see what’s coming in the future. You wouldn’t get it.

Phase 1

  • Presale
  • Launch
  • Coingecko/Coinmarketcap Listings
  • Trending on AveDex, Dexscreener & other data aggregators
  • Listing on Major Exchanges

Phase 2

  • Baby Bome on the News
  • Community Growth
  • Huge Marketing Push
  • Ambassadors Application

Phase 3

  • Ambassadors Announcement
  • 100,000+ holders
  • Meme Takeover

Social Media

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